Sedgewood Plantation
This home is immaculately maintained now by the Howard family!

Before Encapsulating The Space
The owner had previously put gravel down to try and keep the space clean. Even though you can't directly see it, moisture was still gathering and causing problems.

Before Encapsulation And Sealing Off The Vents
Angle 2 Before

Before Encapsulation and Sealing Off Vents
Angle 3 before

After Encapsulation
No more moisture working its way up into the home!

After encapsulation And Sealing Off Outside vents
Angle 2 After! Look at the difference!

Finished Job!
Angle 3 After. Every crevice is sealed for locking the clean air in.

Steven Getting Ready To Work!
He's extra prepared with knee pads and gloves!

Tristan Putting The Finishing Touches On The CleanSpace Liner
Peek at Steven limboing under the pipes.

Great Job Team!
From left to right, Steven, Adam, and Tristan.

Adam Taking Measurements To Build A Foam Wall.
Because it's better to measure twice and cut once!

Entrance To Sedgewood Plantation
Isn't it beautiful?

Look At That Treat Looking Truck!
It was a great day to be working outside.